Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Laugh Later

In a recent attempt to stay in better touch with our out-of-state relatives, I have made an effort to start documenting some of the highlights of our week. I put it all into an email, hit send, and hope they don't get tired of hearing about my kids. Sometimes it's hard to come up with even a few things that seem interesting enough to write about, but once I get started, it gets much easier. The details that seem somewhat mundane or pointless to me, are actually exactly the kinds of things our family likes hearing about. What has surprised me more than anything, is the fact that some of the things I've mentioned have actually made them laugh out loud! I realized as I was writing last week's family update, that a lot of funny things actually do happen around here. Unfortunately, a lot of them seem to go unnoticed until I reflect back on them later. It struck me how much more fun my life would be, if I would take the time to laugh about these things in the moment. Why am I not seeing the humor in these little situations with my kids as they happen? Could it be that I'm distracted by all of the other things I need to be doing? Am I busy worrying about how I'm going to carve out a little more time for myself so I can watch some ridiculous reality TV show? Or am I just taking life way too seriously? I'm pretty sure the answer would be "all of the above". It makes me feel really guilty. It also made me remember a promise that I made to myself a few months ago. It was going to be my resolution for this year, but I must have become distracted and forgotten about it. I was going to start trying to laugh more. I was going to try to find a little bit of humor in every day. I love to laugh and always have. A good sense of humor is something I treasure in other people. Humor has always been such a huge part of my life and somewhere along the way, I left it behind. I'm really going to work on this. I want to laugh again. If it means taking time out of my day to write things down so I can laugh about them later, then so be it. It's better to laugh later than not at all! I'm happy that this little family newsletter has brought this to my attention. I want my kids to enjoy laughter and humor as much as I do. That means we need more of it. From this day forward, I'm making a conscious effort to laugh more. I'm going to look for more opportunities to laugh. I'm going to make it happen.

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